Product details
0.5 kg of EcoTreat Maintenance PRO can treat 50 m³ of water for an entire year. This specialized formula contains naturally occurring microorganism strains, offering the following benefits:
- Controls algae growth without toxic chemicals.
- Reduces organic waste and enhances water clarity in surface waters and ponds through boosted biological activity.
- Lowers ammonia, nitrate, and phosphorus levels in surface waters and ponds through improved absorption and conversion to biomass.
- Gradually digests organic sediments at a controlled pace.
- Reduces foam and odors in stagnant surface waters.
How to Use EcoTreat Maintenance PRO:
- Initial Dose: 2 scoops per 20 m³ of water. Repeat after one week.
- Maintenance: 1 scoop per 20 m³ of water every two weeks.
- Instructions: Mix the product into 5 liters of pond water. Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Spray this mixture over the entire pond surface.
Pre-Use Recommendations: Ensure these conditions in your pond:
- pH between 6.5 and 8. Adjust if necessary.
- KH between 8 and 12. Adjust if necessary.
- Water Temperature above 10°C.